This Multi-Tasking Cuff Will Make You Feel Put Together, Even on 'Bad Mom Days'
Koli Collective Tuck Cuff, $50 to $189
Fact: "Bad mom days" are a thing in motherhood. We've all experienced those totally overwhelming unwashed-hair-and-sweatpants days when it seems everything that could go wrong absolutely did (spilled milk! tantrums! nap time fails!) — and the icing on the cake? One stroll past a mirror to see the unkempt mess that used to be "you."
For the days when your unintentional bedhead is exactly what your pre-baby self would spend hours perfecting and you realize that you're just a regular mama having a bad day, this minimalist multi-tasking cuff ($50 to $190) by Koli Collective will help you feel just a little bit more put together. Available in gold- or silver-plated stainless steel or sterling silver and in three sizes, this sleek accessory not only complements the stylish sweats you've managed to throw on, but it also stylishly conceals that worn-out hair tie on your wrist.
Ready to upgrade that old scrunchie? It's shoppable online at the Los Angeles-based accessory brand's website here.