Meet Dee Murphy: LA Mama, Interior Designer, and Lifestyle Blogger
Dee Murphy
“Be good to yourself. Be patient with yourself... you are human, and you will make mistakes.”
What do you do and what led you to this career?
I am an interior designer. I feel that I have been "designing" my entire life... it just took a few people "pushing" me, and a pregnancy to move me forward and do it professionally!
What are the names and ages of your little ones?
Parker is 8 years old, and Avery is 5 years old.
What has been your biggest career achievement thus far?
Any time my work is published, it's a huge achievement! I've been honored to have my work featured in Domino, My Domaine, HGTV Magazine, Traditional Home and more!
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?
I love that motherhood teaches you more about yourself more than anything else!
And what is the most challenging?
Time! You have to let go of the notion that you will ever have time for anything, ever again. Just go with the flow!
What is your best advice for someone new to your industry?
Get experience (intern, re-work your own home 20 times, get friends to let you design their homes) and network (go to events, design conferences, parties... make the time to connect with other people in your industry!)
What is your best advice for a new mother?
Be good to yourself. Be patient with yourself. Yes, this is the most important job you will ever have... but you are human, and you will make mistakes, feel guilt, feel lonely sometimes, etc., and it's all okay. You have to love yourself in order to give love to your littles!
What's next for you? Do you have an exciting projects coming up?
I am currently pitching two big projects (including my own home) to major publications for print and I can't wait for everyone to see them!
Follow Dee at @murphydeesign