Meet Ilana Saul: LA Mama and Co-Founder of Polka Dot Media
Ilana Saul
“Be kind and supportive of the other women you meet. Trust is everything!”
Photo: Lily Glass
What do you do and what led you to this career?
I am an editor and digital content strategist. I am the co-founder of Polka Dot Media, a boutique digital content agency with clients including, LC Lauren Conrad,, and Dana Rebecca Designs. I’ve wanted to work in media since I was in high school, although back then I thought it would be magazines!
What are the names and ages of your little ones?
Eden is 4 years old, and Arlo is 1.5 years old.
What has been your biggest career achievement thus far?
I am very proud that we've built a business with clients who stick with us year after year. We also recently hit 1 million followers on Instagram for both @laurenconrad_com and @lclaurenconrad, which was a huge deal!
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?
It’s incredibly rewarding to witness both of my children's limitless curiosity and quest for knowledge. Eden is happiest when she's being read to and the other day she said, "I love to read because I love learning. I want to learn everything there is in the world." Arlo is at the stage where he is learning new words every single day. Sometimes the words that come out of his mouth surprise and amuse me! (Anyone else have a 19-month old whose vocabulary includes "truffle salt?”)
And what is the most challenging?
The newborn phase. Everything else has been easy in comparison to those first few months!
What is your best advice for someone new to your industry?
Be kind and supportive of the other women you meet. Trust is everything!
What is your best advice for a new mother?
Every phase your child goes through is fleeting. Remind yourself during hard periods that "this too shall pass," and try to cherish the sweet moments, because your child will only be that little once.
What's next for you? Do you have an exciting projects coming up?
We are currently coming up with an exciting new Instagram Stories strategy for @laurenconrad_com and revamping our email newsletter as well!
Follow Ilana at @ilanasaul