Meet Erica Davidson: LA Mama and Makeup Artist
Erica Davidson
“You learn from both the good jobs and the bad ones, and it’s all experience that will help you moving forward.”
What do you do and what led you to this career?
I’m a makeup artist. I started working in commercial production and decided to leave that side of things and pursue a career in makeup in 2007. I had wanted to be a makeup artist since middle school so I feel lucky that I get to do it for a living now.
What is the name and age of your little one?
Jack is 5 years old, and Marlowe is 2 years old.
What has been your biggest career achievement thus far?
Having a steady client list and signing with an agency. I feel like this business is forever changing and I look forward to what my next achievement will be!
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?
Limitless love and kid snuggles.
And what is the most challenging?
Not losing my shit! When I have a tough week with being over scheduled and the kids are extra demanding, it can be challenging to stay calm through it all.
What is your best advice for someone new to your industry?
Assist! Assist anyone and everyone and work on any project you can. Try not to be picky in the beginning. You learn from both the good jobs and the bad ones, and it’s all experience that will help you moving forward. Technique and talent is obviously important, but if you aren’t a team player or know set etiquette, it can hurt you more than you realize.
What is your best advice for a new mother?
Remember to make time for yourself. In the beginning it’s all about the baby and it’s easy to get lost in that. Even taking 15 mins a day to do something completely selfish is important, I think. That and asking for help. There’s a reason the saying “it takes a village” exists. Use your friends, family, and make friends with your neighbors!
What's next for you? Do you have an exciting projects coming up?
I’m currently sitting at the airport, flying to Mexico for a fun shoot!
Follow Erica at @erica_davidson