Meet Julie Solomon: LA Mama and Influencer Marketing Pro
Julie Solomon
“Do not let the feeling of powerlessness get in the way of you showing up and taking up space.”
What do you do and what led you to this career?
I teach women how to grow an online business that is worthwhile and profitable. I do this by teaching them timeless marketing principles through my online programs and podcast, The Influencer Podcast, so they can apply online and on social media.
What is the name and age of your little one?
Camden, who is 5 years old.
What has been your biggest career achievement thus far?
My first year as an incorporated business was also my first seven figure year as a business owner. I am proud to be an example to other women that they CAN actively grow and run a business solely online with nothing but a dream and a laptop.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?
It makes me present.
And what is the most challenging?
"Turning off" so I can be present.
What is your best advice for someone new to your industry?
Do not let the feeling of powerlessness get in the way of you showing up and taking up space.
What is your best advice for a new mother?
Breathe. Ask for help. It's all going to work itself out.
What's next for you? Do you have an exciting projects coming up?
I am about to sign a book deal with a major publishing house! The book is about overcoming powerlessness to reclaim your freedom and own your inner leader.
Follow Julie at @JulsSolomon