Meet Lauren Kucerak: NY Mama and Marketing Pro
Lauren Kucerak
“Be patient, believe in yourself, and be good to yourself.”
What do you do and what led you to this career?
I am the founder and CEO of Kucerak + Company, a full-service communications agency with an ambitious approach to create noise beyond the limits of traditional public relations, imaging, and brand development. K+Co consists of a team of strategically-driven, innovative thinkers who are a step ahead of the trends and collectively maintain a comprehensive network of traditional, digital, and social media. Uniquely, our contacts extend well beyond press outlets and include cultural influencers, talent agents, managers, producers, stylists, and publicists. K+Co offers a full range of services for events as well -- from conceptualization to execution. We create three-dimensional, engaging experiences that incite energy, drive business, and make a difference. We offer clients a fresh, creative, and relentless approach to cultivating brand building and awareness with media, consumers, and trendsetters while maintaining the highest level of integrity and discretion. We strive to immerse ourselves in every aspect of our clients’ business and guarantee individualized attention in an effort to maximize their goals. In a nutshell, we do things differently here.
What is the name and age of your child?
Asher, who is 21 months old, and will be 2 this month.
What has been your biggest career achievement thus far?
Starting K+Co! With not one client lined up, I went on my own and took meeting after meeting with people I admired in my industry and outside of my direct industry. Listening to amazing advice of what to do and what not to do was super helpful. I didn't need everyone's tips, but I took pieces of their experiences with me to help create my own journey. 6 years later, we offer our long standing clients work that I respect. We continue to grow, and EVERY DAY, I love being surrounded by the smart people who work at K+Co tirelessly. They each inspire me and make me laugh. It's the best feeling.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?
Oh my goodness. How do you answer that? I suppose its watching Asher learn anything new - words, motions, expressions. He ceases to amaze me every minute. And the best thing EVER is when he hugs and kisses me with all of his heart. The inside of my body turns to mush.
And what is the most challenging?
Again, how do you answer that? I guess just constantly making sure we are doing the right thing so that he has the best life. When i question myself, I just try to believe that my husband and I are loving, smart people and we are PROBABLY doing the right thing. (I am sure we have also messed a few things up...)
What is your best advice for someone new to your industry?
Call EVERYONE back! Always.
What is your best advice for a new mother?
Be patient, believe in yourself, be good to yourself, take time to do the things you like to do whether that is working out, getting massages, or reading the paper for 20 minutes while your husband entertains your baby. It's the only way!
What's next for you? Do you have any exciting projects coming up?
We are working on a few things at K+Co but I can't share yet...
Follow Lauren at @Kucerakandco and @laurenkucerak